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Job tilbydes:
Studentermedhjælper søges til spændende opgaver inden for sygedagpengeområdet
Er du i gang med uddannelse som socialrådgiver eller socialformidler, så er det måske dig vi søger som vores kommende studentermedhjælper?Om jobbetRingsted Kommune har fokus på tidlig indsats for sygemeldte, samt at skabe gode resultater på sygedagpenge- og jobafklaringsområdet.Dette kræver, at du har evner og lyst til at motivere sygdomsramte borgere og understøtte deres fastholdelse på – eller tilbagevenden til arbejdsmarkedet.Dine opgaver:Indsamling af oplysninger til rehabiliteringsplanens forberedende delTelefoniske og personlige opfølgningssamtaler / jobsamtalerIndhentelse af lægelige oplysningerJournaliseringAd hoc opgaverArbejdstiden for stillingen vil være 10 timer ugentligt. Ansættelsen er betinget af, at du er under uddannelse og ophører ved beståelse af socialrådgiveruddannelsen.Hvem er duDu er bekendt med og hurtig til at sætte dig ind i lovgivningenDu arbejder systematisk og kan skabe overblikDu sætter fokus på ressourcer og potentialerDu er psykisk robustDu har et ønske om at arbejde aktivt med borgeren og bruge alle redskaberDu har humor og er god til at skabe kontakt til såvel borgere som kolleger og samarbejdspartnereDu har lyst til teamwork med faglighed i højsædeAfdelingSygedagpenge- og jobafklaringsteamet består af 12 sagsbehandler, 1 faglig koordinator og 2 Ydelsessagsbehandlere og en elev. Vi har 4 administrative medarbejdere tilknyttet, der hjælper med telefoner, post og andre opgaver som for eksempel aktindsigt for rådgiverne. Derudover har vi to virksomhedskonsulenter tilknyttet teamet.Vi tilbyderAt både medarbejdere og ledelse løbende har fokus på at udvikle og forbedre vores faglige metoderOplæringAt vi vægter arbejdsmiljø højt, og det afspejler sig i tilbud som aktiv personaleklub, massagestol, kaffe, te og frugtAt vi har travlt, men ikke mere end at der er plads til kreativitet og god borgerbetjeningVigtigst af alt, at der er en god stemning i afdelingen og at vi hjælper hinandenFleksibel fredagDer afholdes ansættelsessamtaler den 30-05-2024.Det er en del af Ringsted Kommunes ansættelsespolitik at fremme ligelig kønsfordeling og etnisk ligestilling. Vi opfordrer både personer med dansk og anden etnisk baggrund til at søge den opslåede stilling.Vi glæder os til at modtage din ansøgning.
Sygedagpenge mv.
Indrykket 23. april på JobNet
Job tilbydes:
Metalworkers for Engskov Machine Factory in Ringsted
Would you like to work at a well-established engineering factory in Ringsted?And do you have experience in blacksmithing, which is one of Engskov Machine Factory's absolute strengths? Then, you might be the one we are looking for! We weld in stainless steel, aluminum, high-strength steel, and steel using the TIG, MIG, and MAG technologies with solid wire or tubular wire. Workpieces:Welding is done on workpieces of various sizes and weights, ranging from a few kilograms to 10 tons or as assembled structures of virtually unlimited size, including pressure-bearing equipment. Engskov has a larger department for stainless steel work and has many years of experience in building stainless steel items, including boilers made of stainless steel. We are looking for skilled and experienced blacksmiths for welding. It will be a requirement that you either have or can obtain welding certificates. You must have a good understanding of drawings, be quality-conscious, and have a solid professional foundation. You will be working dayshifts but you are willing to work an eveningshifts in periods, it would be a big plus.Qualifications:Certified blacksmith - preferably with several years of experience in welding larger steel structures.Ability to read and understand technical drawings.Approach tasks in a structured and targeted manner.Independent and team-oriented work method.You must be stable, efficient, and have a good sense of humor. You must have a Danish residence permit and work permit and must speak and understand english. Offered:Happy colleagues and a good working culture. Good and thorough training. Exciting tasks/workpieces. Health insurance with sickness coverage. Flextime.About Engskov Machine Factory:For more than 50 years, Engskov Machine Factory has been a reliable supplier to the industry. The factory is located in Ringsted and is known for processing large items with high precision requirements. This includes everything from engine blocks and boom systems to components for special machinery. There are large bed mills, a large machining center with pallets, lathes, and several other machines." Are you interested?Anzet A/S handles this recruitment process. If you are interested in applying for the position, please follow the link "Apply here" below. We review applications and conduct interviews continuously, so please apply as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the position, feel free to contact BLUE COLLAR Manager, Kristine Askjær, at phone number 30 80 96 98.
Anzet A/S
Indrykket 23. april på JobNet
Job tilbydes:
Metalworkers for Engskov Machine Factory in Ringsted
Would you like to work at a well-established engineering factory in Ringsted?And do you have experience in blacksmithing, which is one of Engskov Machine Factory's absolute strengths? Then, you might be the one we are looking for! We weld in stainless steel, aluminum, high-strength steel, and steel using the TIG, MIG, and MAG technologies with solid wire or tubular wire. Workpieces:Welding is done on workpieces of various sizes and weights, ranging from a few kilograms to 10 tons or as assembled structures of virtually unlimited size, including pressure-bearing equipment. Engskov has a larger department for stainless steel work and has many years of experience in building stainless steel items, including boilers made of stainless steel. We are looking for skilled and experienced blacksmiths for welding. It will be a requirement that you either have or can obtain welding certificates. You must have a good understanding of drawings, be quality-conscious, and have a solid professional foundation. You will be working dayshifts but you are willing to work an eveningshifts in periods, it would be a big plus.Qualifications:Certified blacksmith - preferably with several years of experience in welding larger steel structures.Ability to read and understand technical drawings.Approach tasks in a structured and targeted manner.Independent and team-oriented work method.You must be stable, efficient, and have a good sense of humor. You must have a Danish residence permit and work permit and must speak and understand english. Offered:Happy colleagues and a good working culture. Good and thorough training. Exciting tasks/workpieces. Health insurance with sickness coverage. Flextime.About Engskov Machine Factory:For more than 50 years, Engskov Machine Factory has been a reliable supplier to the industry. The factory is located in Ringsted and is known for processing large items with high precision requirements. This includes everything from engine blocks and boom systems to components for special machinery. There are large bed mills, a large machining center with pallets, lathes, and several other machines." Are you interested?Anzet A/S handles this recruitment process. If you are interested in applying for the position, please follow the link "Apply here" below. We review applications and conduct interviews continuously, so please apply as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the position, feel free to contact BLUE COLLAR Manager, Kristine Askjær, at phone number 30 80 96 98.
Anzet A/S
Indrykket 23. april på JobNet
Indryk gratis dine annoncer på Bilhandel.dk, Retro-app.dk, Ridr.dk og Handyhand.dk
